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One More Time

He is a man with post, power and personality. He holds one of the topmost chair in his job place, well respected social identity and fingers to dial to bring everything infront of him.

After working all day and nights of complete eight years he had been able to be where he is now.

He didn't posses very outstanding qualities who would be there in top lists among the students when he was in school days. In fact he would be in 4th or 5th  from the back of lists.

While he used to be back from his school he would have no proper food to satisfy his hunger because his parents were able to feed him just twice in a day.

He had no complains to his parents for not giving him a proper food...he would rather sleep down on his poor old mattress rather than to scream out because of hunger.

How he had to prepare his notes of chapters and reports was by collecting the spare papers from already used copies in his previous years.The  accessories of his childhood had nothing except old school bag and the water bottle. His eyes would see his cousins and other friends around him  playing costly ball,  durable shoes with new socks inside them frequently.  When the children around him cried loudly from the playground or wide lanes then he could not thought of watching them because he didn't want to see his parents eyes being flowed with inability that they couldn't provide the required materials for their son. He never looked into their  eyes because he didn't want his parents to learn his deeply hidden fond of getting such glory in his life but he asked for nothing.

 He knew he had to study but inspite of his hard works he would not have been able to secure good marks, he had no regret for anything as he knew that being promoted was greater for him.

When he went to the high school then also he  had no ornaments that would be seen in every student of the high school. He had no long chain in his bag  swinging to and fro as he walked, nor very smart dress on his body as the ability to put on uniform was good enough for him. He didn't ask for anything more except all those petty things that had been offered by his parents by their effort.
As he had to go for higher studies then he dared to ask  from his parents for the favor of selling  a piece of land what they had only as their property so that he could study and what he wanted to study was  banking and finance and it was not easy for all of his family to get it sold and get amount for his study. 

He went through the way on which he wanted to go..he kept his effort for success  this time  and  what he has now  is the result of his hard work.

 Now he is on the same playground with  the expensive ball with expensive boots n the most comfort socks ever  and waiting for other similar personalities to come and kick the ball toward the post.

"One More Time"
One More Time Reviewed by Little Words That Count on 5:06:00 AM Rating: 5

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